< The app for colored gemstones />

The application Tsavo is being developed to become the global reference for colored gemstone trade and information search.

< Worldwide business connections />

The Tsavo application is being developed to suit the needs of the entire value-chain of mining and trade of colored gemstones around the globe. The digital 360° solution will facilitate and improve the procedures of the industry and connect actors at all levels - from the actualmining to lapidary, trade and end-usage.


< Tsavo Users />

Anyone can register a Tsavo account through the app and apply for the services needed. Tsavo users have access to a variety of information, recommendations, tracking-services to verify origin and fair trade as well as administrative services and mediation with gemstone miners, experts, service providers, traders, buyers and wide a range of different stakeholders.

The V.I.P. area is reserved for high-end services and include exclusivepre-order, advanced notifications and priority lists.

< Soon available />

The product will soon be available to end-customers.

If you are interesting in partnering for the pre-launch of the Tsavo application, then drop us a line.

< You need it?
We'll provide it />

Do you have suggestions for services that you need for improving your gemstone business? Send us a message and we'll listen to your requests.

< Follow us />


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